Saturday, January 29, 2005

Wedding Day 29 Jan 2005

We were married on 29 Jan 05 at the home of The Honorable Steve May, a friend of mine since childhood, in Paradise Valley AZ. Our simple back yard wedding was absolutely perfect, as far as the ceremony went. For 15 minutes the sun shone, the wind died down, and there was no rain. For the rest of the day, though, the weather just didn’t cooperate. But we appreciated all the friends and family who braved the sudden drop in temperature (42 degrees Farenheit), the tornado warnings, the rain and hail to help us celebrate our big day.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Buying the Wedding License

We went to the North Scottsdale courthouse to buy the marriage license.  As Russ paid for it, I can't remember what the current rate for a marriage license is.  But we didn't need to get blood tests for it.  One step closer to officially being married.