Friday, June 17, 2005

Roslewski Family Farewell Party

It's traditional in the Air Force to have farewell parties when one is relocating to a new assignment.  Neither Russ nor I wanted to have big going away luncheons at work.  So we each had a small luncheon with just our work sections and then a combined farewell party at our home.  Since the party was at our house, we figured the people who really wanted to go would make the effort to come.  Plus, we invited families to come along with our co-workers so our co-workers wouldn't miss out on their weekend family time.
In addition to our co-workers, we also invited our neighbors (both sides of our house and the two immediately across the street) since we'd gotten to know them relatively well during our short time in this house.  (I'd only lived there 18 months and Russ had only lived there 5 months.)
As usual, I really over estimated the food.  At least I made several of my co-workers happy by sending them home with lots of food.  Plus Russ' best friend Chad was in "bachelor mode" with his wife out of town.  So Chad also had several meals taken care of.
I only took a few pictures since I actually spent time socializing instead of playing photographer.  Sorry I didn't have more to show!
Here's Russ with Brian Watson and his son Andrew.

And here's Don Brink with his wife and children.

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