Friday, October 8, 2004

Air National Guard Convention in Nashville, Tennessee

Russ had a convention he had to attend in Nashville TN.  And thanks to his status of "pilot/plane owner" he now has more travel options available.  Rather than fly commercially to Nashville, he was allowed to fly his own plane with the reimbursement rate being what the government would have spent on a commercial ticket or the actual travel cost (whichever is less).  Since he had an empty seat on the plane available, he invited me to go along.
Here's Russ filling up the plane at an airport along the way in Knoxville TN.
After Russ' meetings the first day we walked to a park near the hotel.  Russ was being pretty risky with which spout the water was going to come out of.

We sure had fun getting a "suitable" shot of us kissing.
For the ice breaker social, Russ practiced NOT breaking anything.
As the Grand Ole Opry was right next door to the hotel (The Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center) where the convention was held, we walked over there to check things out.  Too bad there weren't any shows scheduled during the time we were there.

It was a great trip for me since I didn't have to work.  I think Russ had a good time, too.

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