Saturday, February 26, 2005

Russ and Chad Flight Logs

I may have mentioned that Russ loves flying.  One of the things he loves to do after flying is making entries in his flight log.  The manual/written entry isn't sufficient.  He also needs to make a computer entry.  (That way he can sort by aircraft flown, destination of trip, etc.)
Although I "vowed" during our wedding ceremony to act excited about all things related to flight, this is sometimes a challenging promise.  Fortunately for me, Russ' best friend, Chad DeNaughel, is almost as geeky as Russ when it comes to this flight log tracking fascination.  I'd had to find out what all their laughing was about (because men don't giggle) and discovered they were just making entries in their flight logs after their flight down to Kitty Hawk, NC.

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