Thursday, February 24, 2005

Wedding Gifts

Although we'd noted that the greatest present our friends and family could give us would be there presence at our wedding, many people still gave us presents.  Fortunately for us, several of our friends who came from Virginia brought extra suitcases so we could send gifts home with them.  Unfortunately, we hadn't unwrapped the gifts before we sent the gifts home.  And airline security unwrapped all the gifts, not keeping the cards or wrapping papers with the gifts.  We tried matching up the wrapping paper by size of the gifts, but that didn't always work.  So if you received a rather vague thank you note, you'll understand why.
One of the most creative gifts we received came from Russ' work section.  As Russ had proprosed to me on a Scrabble board, his co-workers made a very unique welcome sign, which we proudly display in the entry way of our home. 

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